Monday, November 02, 2009

Dr. Josh Falla and Family @ Las Vegas : A Trick or Treat ?

Halloween 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada - This blogger together with wife Rose and daughter Danna were treated by family friends Bro. Jerico and his wife Joann, as well as by daughter Danna's friend Pitoy, to the fabulous (s0me call it Sin) city of Las Vegas, the world's casino and entertainment capital.

Is it a trick or a treat? Well, your guess is as good as mine.

This is our first time to witness personally the luxury of human entertainment from the attractive landscapes, commercial establishments, gambling of all sort, lavish food and drinks, various personal services, open prostitution, all forms of shows, and what have you.

Posted herewith are some pictures taken during this Las Vegas escapade. More pictures will be posted sooner or later.

Our hosts and sponsors drive us from the Riverside to Las Vegas and back, crossing over 300 miles or 4-hour drive, traversing the so-called California desert and San Bernardino.
Josh and Rose Blog
P.S. Happy Birthday to another family friend Dr. Cheryl Wissmann !

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