“The Road Less Travelled” was the sermon of Pastor Barry Dawson of Tokyo Union Church this first Sunday of 2011, our first time in this international congregation of interdenominational Christians. Daughter Jonna and husband Dominic used to attend here, and this day is but a fitting one to start our year right.
Following “the road less travelled” refers to walking with Jesus He being the Light of the world. On this Epiphany Sunday so-called, the three wise men (magi) from the East (Iran now?) with the guide of the star finally find baby Jesus, and worship Him. And for this New Year, it is an opportune time to ponder on our life’s journey, as the Pastor said, forgetting the past grudges and hatred in our hearts, and start following “the road less travelled”.
From this Church, we proceeded to our lunch at a nearby Mall.
Then, we went back to our base-house in Atsugi. God speed. (JSF Blogs)
The title of the sermon is most fitting in the Japanese society where Christianity is a minority. And with the works of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel will surely be graced among the Japs, sooner than later. Praises be to the Father.