Pending the receipt of all our retirement benefits, the 19 retirees of the Philippine Center for Postharvest Devt. and Mechanization (PHMech, formerly BPRE) shall still discharge their functions. Here's my workload until our last day @ PHMech:
1. At least one press release per week featuring the most significant PHMech activities for the week (based on his current knowledge and self-judgement). It will be featured in his Blog at
Hard copy shall be furnished to ACD for possible inclusion in the
PH Newsletter.
2. Proposed strategy/ies to enhance PHMech operations particularly the info-dissemination and technology transfer programs. Off-hand, this may include:
Feasibility of creating of PHMech Advisory Board through pre-
identification of its pros and cons, and the anticipated direction and
Sustainance of TDC’s established with selected LGU’s.
Institutionalization of PHMech Network (RAEG)
PHMech Text Center, banking on Philippines as “text capital” of
the world.
3. Research Proposal on Foreign Technology Adaptation studies aka Supply Chain Management involving Chinese (and possibly other neighboring countries) Postharvest and Mechanization technologies, a la Phil-Sino Center for Agric’l Technology (PhilSCAT) experience
4. Identification of Training Opportunity in China for PHMech Staff.
5. Book writing proposal with ACD. Based on initial talk with ACD chief, I was asked to prepare the Foreword of their first book which first draft is now complete.
As co-author of the next book on Technology Extension experience,
along with select PHMech R&D workers.
Approved by The Deputy Exec Director (JSF Blogs)
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