Sunday, October 14, 2012

Top Stories of the Week : UPLB 94th Loyalty Day & Field Day @ PhilRice - Bukidnon

On the second week of October 2012, I took time out from my office cubicle to attend two important things:

First, participate in the 94th UPLB Loyalty Day and Alumni Homecoming, where I and wife Rose watched the traditional parade, meet with my GEI fraternity/sorority in UPLB Omega Chapter, and dine with the alumni-jubilarians. I also took copies of Loyalty Day Yearbook where concerned R&D organizations in the Science City of Munoz, including my very own PhilSCAT as sponsors.

Second, I together with Chinese colleagues Mr. Cheng, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Cao, flew to Cagayan de Oro airport to attend a Rice Field Day in CMU-PhilRice Station in Maramag, Bukidnon, October 11 - 13, 2012. It was a pleasing visit as PhilSCAT newly developed hybrid rice variety more popularly known as Mestiso 38 ranked 2nd in the evaluation out of 15 entries.

Comprehensive photo-documentation for both events were uploaded to my Facebook pages (Josue Santiago Falla and Philippine-Sino Center for Agricultural Technology), to which I am cordially inviting you to access those pages.

Good day and wish you all only the best of everything. (JSF Blogs)

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