My teaching assignment this 2nd semester of SY 2010-11 at this Bible college (ICCM) is somewhat challenging but interesting. Challenging, because this is the first time that I teach the courses assigned to me - Literature II (World Literature) and English III (Technical Writing), and I needed a lot of preparation to do such as making the syllabi and gathering the teaching materials. Interesting, because these are the courses I love to teach, having dreamt of seeing the world and study cultures of different societies. And as a researcher too, it is my passion to share my know-how on technical writing much more among the potential Church workers who shall be the moral and spiritual developers of our society.
Both classes have 30 - 31 students, a relatively big class compared to my classes in the past, which number can be counted by fingers, so to speak. Thus, there's a need to adjust my approach from some kind of personalized approach of before to a group or mass approach this time. More motivation is provided for my students to go more on self-study, rather than the former approach of spoon-feeding sort of.
Here are some class pictures for this semi-block courses in Literature and English, which will run till Dec. 15, 2010. (JSF)