Christian Educ Symposium in Pictures:
The symposium on the "Role of Christian Education on Human Moral and Spiritual Growth and Development" held today (Aug 29, 2009) at the CLSU Interfaith Chapel was attended by over 60 brethren and friends from the various groups like the Churches of Christ in Nueva Ecija (Cluster V), Munoz Church, student sector notably by the campus-based Gamma Epsilon fraternity/sorority, and the children's department of neighboring churches. Its main speaker was Dr. Eleanor A. Daniel of USA and Austria, who despite her inability to stand for long time, has clearly put across her message on the Words of God as it relates to one's spiritual and moral development. She underscored 4-point evaluation criteria for one's growth and development such as producing fruits of good works, acquisition of more knowledge from the Bible, possession of good values like patience and courage, and sharing the knowledge with others. She differentiated the children from the teenagers and adults in terms of development process and interests. After the presentation, open forum followed where audience was given the chance to ask questions. Church elder Bro. Rod Nonog moderated the open form.
Other parts of the symposium program included Praise and Worship led by Munoz P/W Team, introduction of participants and speaker, simple merienda fellowship and Christian greetings.
The symposium is the project of the International Christian College of Manila (ICCM) with Sto. Tomas/CLSU Church of Christ as host, in collaboration with the recognized campus organization Gamma Epsilon Fraternity/Sorority as approved by the CLSU office of Student Affairs. (JSF blogs)
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