As far as I know, this is the 3rd time that the Churches of Christ in the Philippines hold a simultaneous fora (convention-fellowship) for Christian men’s, women’s and youth sectors in the same place. As in the first 2 fora, and while these were held simultaneously, programming (including themes, topics, speakers, etc.) was done independently in its entirety. In fact, I haven’t gone nor seen the Youth’s venue as it was usually far and somehow inaccessible (from the men’s and women’s venues). Hence, I could not reflect well on how the youth sector fare in that Convention; the same for Women’s group.
Of the three fora, it was the Women’s group which is best organized and best attended. Their annual attendance does not fall below 500. Men’s group seems the least attended as this year’s attendance was only little over a hundred. There were even Men’s participating and/or observing at the Women’s group, and need to be fetched and drawn to the Men’s group.
At Men’s group, it can be observed the absence or lack of male Church leaders from the national leadership of the Churches of Christ. While some CACD officers were sighted in Vigan fellowship of men, the organization and the running of the fellowship program was handled by the KKK and not CACD.
I think there’s a need to revisit the holding of two national fora, the CACD’s Church leaders’ convention and the KKK’s national mega-fellowship, as both were dominated by males. Are they really mere duplication? Is there a need to just integrate them into one forum? Or, just let it be, afterall, there’s nothing wrong duplicating a good evangelistic and spiritually enriching programs? As they say, the more (fellowships), the merrier.
The speakers at the KKK mega-fellowships were no doubt effective Church leaders in their own rights. Included as plenary speakers were evangelists Mel Maldupana, Jerry Felipe, Edwin Lopez of Cebu and this reporter (Josue S. Falla). Other prominent names in the brotherhood (like Ruben Grande, Papa Chav, Noel Deocareza, and others) spoke at the small group sessions. They were all exemplary speakers, only that most of them, including those in the plenary, have that style which I think obsolete – that is there speeches seem adversarial in nature. In laymen’s lingo, they are still patama, atake and person-oriented, rather than message-oriented. And I think it was understandable because that is what the audience seemed like to hear. I am looking forward to messages which are professional in nature, less pang-aatake or paninira to other ministries (my opinion only). I look forward to working with evangelists who are more mature professionally and with good tacts.
I have nothing against offertory especially if it is well-prepared. The day-long KKK mega-fellowship has three times offertory, and it was really challenging to the genuine givers who, as long as there’s money in their wallet, are self-obliged to give. It was good in the KKK that the frequency of offertory was pre-announced, so that givers could budget the money in their pockets appropriately.
The host of the KKK mega-fellowship was excellent, congratulations to the Philippine Bible Seminary (PBS) headed by Bro. Dan Roca. PBS facilities were more than enough for the group. The head of the secretariat, Sis. Mona Mallari is likewise very efficient support staff. KKK chorale composed of young boys from Laguna also deserved applause for their job well-done. And lead facilitator Bro. Rizaldy Franco should be commended too, all for their jobs well-done.
Overall, this national fellowship of Christian men is highly commendable. More campaign should be done to increase its attendance to be really called as a mega-fellowship. Reasons for low attendance must be addressed, and general support from all local Churches must be solicited and enjoined. (JSF reflects)