30 August 2011, ICCM Campus, Antipolo City - Australian missionary Bro. John Gilmore is in town with his base station at the International Christian College of Manila, this city. But who is Bro. J. Gilmore?
John Gilmore is the director of Australia's GMP (Global Mission Partners), a group which formally representing the Churches of Christ Overseas Missions. These are the COCOA (Church of Christ of Australia) people who have provided typhoon relief during past calamities here in the Philippines.
In these photos, Bro. John is received by ICCM officials, after which the group discussed possible collaborative undertakings between GMP and ICCM. During the meeting, John asked for the priority problems and concerns of the Bible college, where GMP may be of assistance. Some concerns raised include ownership of ICCM facilities, sustainability of the Bible college, continuous faculty training and development, masteral course offerings, expansion of enrollment and strengthening local Church supporting the seminaries, among many others. John also mentioned some GMP ministry interventions such as Church development support and Churchmen's (human) education and development as they did or are doing in nine more developing (poor) countries like Vanuatu, and some countries in Africa.
ICCM, just like other nine Philippines' Bible colleges and seminaries under Stone-Campbell restoration Movement, is currently suffering from financial difficulty resulting from the economic recession in America where many donors are. This "crisis" prompted the College constituents to be more aggressive in sourcing-out funding from the local donors (Filipino Fund) in order to keep this Christian education ministry going. (JSF)